Simplicity, Complexity & Value
How the contrast of simplicity and complexity can release value and create greater beauty.
Early Morning Meditation Andre Rabe
Depth of experience Andre Rabe
I Am Who I Am, oR I Will Be Who I Will Be Andre Rabe
The Resurrection – A Meditation Andre Rabe
What kind of universe produces creatures that question the very nature of reality? Are our questions an anomaly in an otherwise mindless universe, or are consciousness and our search for meaning exemplifications of the fabric of reality? A conversation with Andrew Davis, Mary-Anne Rabe, and Andre Rabe
Tagged as: keith ward, john leslie, alfred north whitehead, open theology, Andre Rabe, open relational theology, Thomas Oord, process philosophy, andrew davis, mind, consciousness.
Andre Rabe February 22, 2021
How the contrast of simplicity and complexity can release value and create greater beauty.